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Arric Uberon

Born not far from the city of Thayn, in the foothills of the Elder Mountains, Arric was destined, like his father Helg and his grandfather Petros for the life of a Greenbond. Arric however was not so an apt pupil.

At his fathers request Galen, a local magister, accepted him as apprentice. Arric was less than welcoming of the rigid code of study and training required. Truth be told he never ever performed the training exercises as per instructions. Instead he just “saw” the answer in the words on the scroll and just “did” the word. On the day of his Naming, it became clear to all that Arric was destined for other paths. Galen saw this immediately sent Arric back to his father with a letter of introduction to Charic Garron, a clock maker and runethane in Thayn.

Helg brought his son to Thayn on his 13th birthday. He stopped at the stall of Kaimra Daycord, a sprite and fellow greenbond, where he purchased a small wooden pendent of a dragon rampant. This he gifted to Arric as he presented his son to the clock maker. Arric settled into his new quarters with some trepidation. He did not know it but when Helg left him for his return home, it was to be the time Arric would see him alive. The official story was that Helg was caught in a rockslide, but Arric did not believe this. Helg was a greenbond and a mountain man.

Arric’s pendant is now inscribed with runes, as is his hands, feet and temples. The tattoos are mere decoration but they please Arric and do lend him an air of mystery.
The pendent rune, however is not a decoration. He knows it is magical but neither he nor Charic know what type of rune it actually is. Arric is convinced it is to his benefit but Charic is less sure.

Charic has taught Arric many things, including using runic magic to create/find/arm and disarm complex traps. This aspect of the calling is Arric’s favourite. This is closely followed by his interest in clocks. Charic was the apprentice of the famed clocker maker and runethane Fistan Degem in De-Shamod. He has told Arric that when he leaves his tutelage, he will present him with a letter of introduction. Should he find himself in De-Shamod he will find a good welcome.

Arric has little interest in the politics of the land. The Diamond Throne is probably better in human hands but Arric has no particular issues with Giants. So far so good. He is fond of the faen but finds Litorians and Sibeccai a bit strange. Uniquely, and this he cannot explain, he finds Verrik a complete mystery. He continually wonders about these thinkers and what they are all about. The root of this fascination is as much a mystery.

Arric, to this day seeks answers to the death of his father. He seeks answers to the riddle of the pendant. He seeks knowledge of the Verrik. Most of all however, he thirsts for knowledge of the runes.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 10, 2004 2:25 PM.

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