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Mezezar – Background

Born the second son of a Jerad spice merchant the young Targan begun his education at age 10 apprenticed to a magister who resided in the southern hills. Before his first half year was complete, however, Targan received word of the death of his father. Bandits attacked the merchant while on caravan to Xavel. When Targan returned for the funeral he learned that the death was at the hands of the sibeccai brigand Eritic the Invincible. He marked the name and vowed to avenge his father’s death. He suggested to his brother that a mission into the southern hills was the best answer but his brother was against it. He was more committed to carrying on the business. Targan and his brother had strong words and even came to blows. The atmosphere in Jerad was very tense until Targan left to resume his studies. Targan left his brother on poor terms as his caravan left for the south. Targan reasoned that he would seek advice on mounting a mission of justice against the brigands, when he eventually reached his master. Surely he, of all people, would help him redeem his father’s dignity.

On the second day out of Jerad, bandits attacked Targan’s caravan. Although the guards fought bravely the bandits overran the caravan in very short order. Targan was captured and dragged before the band’s leader. It was Eritic the Invincible. Targan’s temper exploded and he lunged at the sibeccai. With his hands about to close on the bandit’s neck Targan was pummelled senseless by the sibeccai’s henchmen. Targan awoke in chains among a group of similarly bound individuals. Taking stock he found himself caged. He listened to the ambient noises and soon came to a sickening conclusion. He was captive at the slave markets of Khorl. Cursing his misfortune he realised fate was best served waiting for a good opportunity to escape. The slave cages were too strong and too well guarded.

In due course, Targan’s group were presented for auction. The buyers were unimpressed and trade was slow. A factor eventually purchased Targan for the paltry sum of 106 gold. The factor took him in charge and shipped him west deep into the southern Elder Mountains. There he placed Targan into the household of the mojh magister Dorogar.

In Dorogar household the slave keeper Strappe took the new slave under his wing. Strappe was a particularly nasty individual and he took a particular interest in humiliating Targan at any opportunity. Targan's saving grace, however, was that he was literate and this meant he was often assigned duties as a scribe or as librarian. It was at these times that Dorogar’s first noticed the youth. Normally Dorogar would not have paid the slightest attention to his slaves, but he became intrigued by his newest slave. He could clearly see the way he keenly performed his duties when related to the quill or the library. His writing style was particular cursive and notable. Targan’s other duties were sluggish and almost always ill performed. When Dorogar questioned the youth he discovered Targan's history as a magister apprentice. Dorogar was appalled. As a practitioner of the Arts, Dorogar considered all magisters, even apprentices, as being a cut above. He tested Targan’s knowledge and his abilities. It quickly became obvious that the boy was destined for magehood. He immediately declared the youth released from servitude. Instead he placed Targan under his own tutelage and granted him apprenticeship. That was seven years ago.

Targan view of the enigmatic Mojh changed with the passage of time. Initially, when he was first presented to the household Targan believed he had been delivered into the hands of a demon. Dorogar’s behaviour soon allayed that fear. Bit by bit Targan’s prejudicial belief that all mojh were evil incarnate were shown to be clearly wrong. Apart from the purchase of slaves, he never saw the Mojh perform anything even remotely evil. All he ever saw of the master was magical study and the reverence of his dragon gods. Targan‘s respect grew with the passing years. As his ability with magic grew he began to see the mojh view of the world in a bit more of a sympathetic light. He saw Dorogar’s intense study and passion for magic and this he admired greatly. It reflected his own feelings. Such admiration was a frequent emotion as Targan grew through adolescence.

Two years ago Targan asked the master to assist him in becoming a mojh. Dorogar was pleased but warned the youth of the consequences and forbid the transformation for at least a year. When the year passed, Targan was even more adamant and Dorogar assented this time. Eleven months ago, Targan became Mezezar the Mojh.

Mezezar gained his staff within a few months and thanks to Dorogar a small grant of funds to begin his own search for the secrets of magic. Mezezar’s first stop was the town of Khorl. There he sought to equip himself with a small laboratory and also to seek the whereabouts of an old friend: the bandit that killed his father and sold him into slavery seven years before. He sought the sibeccai, Eritic the Invincible.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2005 11:15 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Diary and To Do List of Lucius.

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