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The Emperor of the Waves

Pressing on through the companionway, the Mokers opened doors into a number of unoccupied cabins. They passed a raised platform that was covered in webbing that presumably lead to the deck below, but they left it unmolested. Their mere presence stirred up another swarm of spiders, so they beat a hasty retreat back up the stairs and laid another oily fire trap for the unthinking arachnids. When this swarm was dealt with, they returned below and found their way to the front of the ship. This large cabin contained two oddly shaped cocoons of webbing suspended from the ceiling. When the party approached the cocoons began to twitch and spin on their cords. Taking no chances, the Mokers smashed them with their weapons before anything could emerge. When they were done, two creatures fell out dead on the floor of the cabin. They had once been sibeccai and seemed to wear the uniform of Scarbelly痴 crew, but they had been overcome by spider-life and now in place of eyes had thousands of tiny arachnids crawling around. The party was glad that they had dealt harshly with them. They found no chests or other things of value here, so they proceeded towards the stern.

In another cabin that spanned the width of the ship, they found two more cocoons. The floor below these was decorated with a circular pattern or glyph drawn in blood and the room itself was cleaner than the others that they had encountered. At the foot of the starboard wall sat a wooden chest. The Mokers did not hesitate to destroy the contents of these cocoons, though they took rather longer over the chest. Mera cast a spell to detect the magical aura痴 coming from it and indeed she discovered that there were four separate faint auras, though she could not distinguish them. They pondered whether it was safe to open the chest.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2006 11:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Pirates’ Ships.

The next post in this blog is The Chest with an X.

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