8 June 2012

I'm freezing this blog as read-only, new blog @ ofoghlu.net/blog

As of today I'm freezing this blog as read-only:
http://www.ofoghlu.net/log (Old blog - frozen)
I'll keep all the generated files, with image and other links intact, as I migrate to a new server.

I'll then use a completely new paradigm for maintaining my new blog, that I hope will start to be a bit more regular again, and contain more code snippets. The new tools will make this easier for me:
http://www.ofoghlu.net/blog (new blog - active)
This will use Octopress and Jekyll to manage content. See the first post in the new blog for details.

Migration is in progress, DNS lag means it will take a day to propagate so it points to the new server where the new blog is (I've manually copied the initial sync of the new blog to the old server so the link works in the overlap period).

Posted by mofoghlu at 10:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack