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Aspirants’ End

Deciding that discretion would be in order, Kair used Qzyid’s greatclub to wedge the door to the chamber shut, then he tended the wounds of his comrades in the hope that they would recover more quickly. Luckily, over the next few hours, no other creature disturbed the group as, one by one, they came to their senses. Soon, Qzyid was channelling the power of the green and restoring the whole group to full health. They spent a full day in the chamber, ensuring that they were ready to face any enemy beyond.

When Qzyid recovered his club, the group decided that they would go back to a safer area. They returned to the crossroads and went back west, from where they had come. When they reached the room beyond they turned right and continued through the door. They went straight on to the double doors opposite and Kair opened them. Beyond they could see double doors down a long corridor as well as a door on the right and a passage off to the left. Arric suggested going left and off that corridor to the north and south, they found similar rooms, which must have served as barracks at some distant time in the past. Finding nothing else of interest, they returned through the double doors and tried the western entry, however this L-shaped room contained little but dust.

Frustrated at their lack of progress, the four went back to the entrance into this area, next to the throne room where they fought the rats. A door that they had previously examined still had a padlock marked with the symbol of Gahanis closing one of the two clasps. Kair made short work of this and the group passed through. A corridor led off to the east into darkness. Carefully, the party followed the passage until two doorways appeared, opposite each other across the corridor which extended beyond them. Listening at the northern door, Kair could hear nothing, so he went in. Three doors stood before them in a short corridor. Each was stout and well built, with heavy bolt locks. The two to the east had observation hatches that were shut. The one to the west was the largest of the three, with runes inscribed within the wood. Its bolts were rust free. Arric thought that the runes were those of containment. Looking through the hatch of the easterly door, Zadadir saw a skeleton in armour propped against the back wall of what appeared to be a cell. The group decided to go in and search the skeleton for clues. When they had passed through the heavy door, it clanged shut behind them with a heavy metallic clank. Kair took the opportunity to search the skeleton, finding some gold, a ring with a gemstone and a wedge of amber. They had some difficulty opening the door again until Kair pulled it open with an unusual burst of heroic strength while the others weren’t looking.

Zadadir was intrigued by the rune covered door, so they went up to examine it again. They cast around for something to help keep the door wedged open when they had passed it, settling on a rusted sword that the skeleton had. Zadadir was opening the door with a view to wedging this underneath it when he was attacked by the claws of the large creature that had been imprisoned within. Zadadir fell bleeding immediately, not only damaged by the claws but also by the intense heat that the creature exuded. Kair stepped forward to engage the creature as Arric used the power of his tattoo in the hope of distracting the enemy. Qzyid animated his club and sent it in to the attack. Kair managed to land a blow on the creature without it responding. Arric’s rune appeared not to be effective. Next Arric placed a small rune of affliction on the ground, calling for Kair to withdraw. He did so, and this rune did damage the on-rushing creature. However, the blows that it then laid on Kair left him bleeding on the ground, with the creature turning around and searching for his next victim. Arric engaged it, while Qzyid went in to heal the fallen quickling. Arric fell next to the creature’s claws while the re-invigorated Kair held the beast at bay for a moment. Qzyid went to retrieve his club and Kair followed to protect him, but got within the reach of those claws in the process and so fell for the last time. Qzyid did not last long alone….

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 23, 2004 11:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Mapping the Battlehome.

The next post in this blog is New Aspirants.

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