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New Aspirants

Voern Grey Shadow had travelled from the Harrowdeep on the understanding that the Bounty Day festival in Gahanis would feature an interesting ceremony for the faen. A female quickling was planning on ascension to the spryte form. He felt he would learn something from the experience at least, hopefully finding some other interesting individuals with which to continue his travels.

Ke-Herram had wandered for some time, somewhat aimlessly adding his sword arm to the defence of caravans, towns, local lords and whoever would take him on. At the Bounty Day festival he hoped to take part in the first Shu-Rin ceremony for a young giant. He did not really have a plan in mind, but he hoped to hear word of his elder brother, Ke-Werrik, who had left his family home years before in search of magic.

Salesat also searched for magic. His burnt fur and scarred visage was testament to some torture or other hard travail in his past. But he was silent on the matter, saying only that it had happened on his naming day. His search was for his hope, a way of restoring his vitality and the strength of his feline limbs. Although the tribes had gathered for their own portion of the festival, Salesat was keeping well away from the Litorian tents.

Migar was quiet about his past or his reason for being in Gahanis, other than the obvious pleasures of a festival. He tried to cut his own particular dash through the crowds as he also searched for a way of earning some coin to keep him in the style to which he had become accustomed.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 19, 2004 11:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Aspirants’ End.

The next post in this blog is Aspirants’ Beginning.

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