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Hidden Temple

Urden and Yind of the Yellow Shields had pointed them in the direction of the Black Gull where they headed immediately. It too was near the unsavoury docks and filled with the kind of patrons that the Mokers either liked to avoid or get information from. They were fearless in their approach and split up before entering. Ke-Tant stood guard outside, where Mezezar and Obur were trying to persuade him to be less conspicuous. The mojh went inside and found a table. Obur did likewise, near the door, but Mera approached the bar and scanned the patrons blatantly. As they did not have a description of their quarry, or even a name, the Mokers felt at a disadvantage, but the yellow shield that Mera bore, and that she placed obviously on the bar, might prove to draw them out. After her queries to the barman about the Yellow Shields came to naught, Mera strode through the crowds in the bar searching every alcove for someone suspicious.

Eventually, a rather non-descript thin human got up nervously from a table on his own and headed for the exit. Mera was convinced that this was the contact that they were looking for and Obur and Mezezar were not far behind. Ke-Tant detained the poor human as he left the Gull and soon the Mokers were questioning him about Nezalan and why he had set him and his Yellow Shields on them. The human, whose name was Enzo succumbed immediately and managed no resistance to their questions. He said that they had angered his cult痴 master. He had been ordered to hire these mercenaries by his superior. The Mokers descriptions had been given and handed on to the Yellow Shields. When questioned further about his cult, Enzo seemed to know little. He called it the Brotherhood, but was unable to say who the Master was or even what its aims were, he said that he was not yet worthy to know these things.

Enzo was able to tell them that he was to report the success of his mission to his superior by leaving a note in a particular building in the northern district of Khorl, just west of the docks. This bricked up house served as some sort of base for the cult, but Enzo did not know what went on there, although, unusually, he had been asked to bring food there twice in the last week. The Mokers immediately made Enzo lead them through the maze-like alleys of the docks, north and west to this place. The area in which they found themselves was quiet and non-descript. The one storey building itself was narrow and dilapidated. The windows were bricked up and the tiles on the roof were loose. The Mokers stood in the shadows observing for a while before attempting the door. They could not overcome the lock, so they hoisted themselves onto the roof and made an entrance by removing tiles. Leaving Enzo behind, the Mokers clambered up and through the gap and soon the four were standing in the rubble and rubbish of the ground floor of the house. Searching around here for exits or something interesting, they realised that the rear of the building had foundations that were quite old. Concentrating in this area, they uncovered a trapdoor, which led down some stairs to a wine cellar. Nine large casks lined the walls of the room. When struck, four of them seemed to be empty, so the Mokers concentrated on these, opening the one in the northwest corner. They walked through the fake cask and into the corridor beyond. It ended after fifteen feet in a narrow stone stairway, which led further down.

The foot of the stair opened into a worked stone corridor, leading north. They could see from their lamp that a doorway led straight ahead, but that two alcoves opened to the west and east just before it. Ke-Tant strode confidently forward, planning to heave open the doors. He did not notice the outlines of the pit trap beneath his feet until it was too late. It took a few moments for the Mokers to heave the weighty giant out of the pit and in that time some creatures slid out of a secret opening in the western alcove to come upon them from behind. These scaly humanoids were similar to mojh in appearance, but had more pronounced tails and were more bestial. They attacked immediately without deigning to converse with their opponents.

Although the cramped confines around the pit proved difficult for the Mokers to negotiate, their martial prowess again shone through. The creatures� short spears damaged Mera before she managed to withdraw to a safe distance where Mezezar healed her. Ke-Tant and Obur held the line against their five enemies and wore them down, while the others used ranged attacks from beyond the pit or behind their comrades. Once they had defeated them, the Mokers followed the dank passage through which they had come. It meandered west and north until it reached a large irregular cave. The floor was scattered with refuse and filth and they could hear water lapping from the far corner. A rough corridor led off to the east ending in a flat wall. Realising that this must be another concealed opening, the Mokers soon discovered a catch and opened the door into a bright torch-lit room. Pillars stood at equal distances down its length, with carvings of serpents or wyrms coiled around them. To the left of them at the end of this hallway stood a black altar with a strange yellow symbol inscribed on the wall behind it. Beside this stood a statue of a large reptilian creature with tentacles, which may have been the manifestation of the god worshipped here. Behind the altar stands a small man wearing black robes with a full hood. As you enter the room, he throws back his hood, exposing familiar horn-rimmed glasses. Milos smiles at your reaction and says, 添ou are the first outsiders to ever reach the Temple of the Unspeakable One. Your achievement deserves congratulations. It is also your doom!� Just then they noticed a flash of movement from the south as another creature leapt to attack them.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 20, 2005 11:08 PM.

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