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Milos Escapes

Before they had a chance to enter this underground temple and respond to Milos’ threats, an unarmed human female in a cowled robe confronted the Mokers. Most of their attention was focussed on this opponent, although Mera and Mezezar attempted ranged magics to weaken Milos, as he did on them, sticking Ke-Tant in place at one point. Mera’s metal hail damaged Milos but he did not fall, though he did look uncomfortable facing her animated mace. Eventually, the human fell before them and the Mokers moved to surround Milos, but he did not surrender and they had to finish him off. As he lay bleeding on the floor, they removed his staff and his items and his true form, that of a mojh, was revealed. Obur stepped in and healed him so that he would not bleed to death, and so that they could question him. But he proved resistant to their threats only wondering why the Mokers were so interested in a puny librarian, saying that he was insignificant. It was then that they discovered Lucius gagged and bound behind the altar. He required some healing to stand too. He was very grateful to the party for their help, but seemed a little confused. He steadied when they mentioned Brother Egil. The Mokers tied Milos’ hands and led him out with Lucius to the cave with the water and back along the passage they way they had come.

Before they managed to reach the end, the Mokers were attacked from behind by another human warrior who was not armed, as well a number of other kobold-like creatures. In the course of this fight, Ke-Tant went to fight, moving from the front of the group and leaving Milos unguarded. He managed to slip his bonds and escape while attention was elsewhere. The Mokers finished off their attackers and they could see that they had approached through a secret opening that they had not seen. Mezezar tried this opening and was rewarded with swift attacks from the giant scorpions in the room beyond. He withdrew, swiftly slamming the door shut to block off pursuit. The Mokers proceeded through the passage to the secret opening next to the pit, but could find no trace of Milos. They searched the rooms nearby but could not find the mojh anywhere. Realising that they had better bring Lucius to safety, they decided to head back to the temple of Vekik the Runegod. They set off up the stairs…


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2005 11:20 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Hidden Temple.

The next post in this blog is Scouring the temple.

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