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Scouring the temple

The Mokers brought Lucius out of the ramshackle building and across Khorl to Brother Egil’s lodging. He then accompanied them and Lucius to the temple where Lucius was tended to by the brothers there. The Mokers were led into the chambers of the High Priest, Thuron who greeted them gravely. They told the story of Lucius’ abduction and that of the sinister cult hidden beneath the bricked up house in the eastern district. Thuron seemed very concerned to hear about Milos’ role in all of this.

When the Mokers had rested they returned to the bricked up house and went down through the roof to the temple below. They searched methodically through all of the rooms and killed the monstrous scorpions that were still there. They did not find any further trace of Milos. When they returned to the Vekik the Runegod’s temple the Mokers talked again to Egil and to Thuron. The latter said that he would contact the watch about putting in place a guard and to tell them what had been found. The Mokers also asked Egil to see if he could find someone who could divine the current location of Milos.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 2, 2005 11:30 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The Marquis Moon.

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