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The Marquis Moon

Brother Egil revealed to the Mokers that he had been doing his own investigations into Milos since they had uncovered his activities. He had heard that a man fitting the description Milos’ human form and calling himself Devlin had been seen around the old city posing as a merchant and had taken lodgings in an inn there.

Mezezar asked around in the old city, searching for well-to-do merchants and he was directed to one Iltan who was a silk merchant. Eventually the mojh’s conversations led around to asking more directly for Milos and they discovered that he had lodged in an inn called the Marquis Moon. Inside, they found a surly but ultimately cooperative bar-hand who was only too glad to earn some coin from the unoccupied accommodation above. After a search of the rooms the Mokers determined that a mojh, at least had stayed there from the scales in the many cushions that lay on the floor. Obur managed to discover a book that had fallen down behind a bookcase where other books had obviously been removed. This book had a hand scrawled diagram on the inside cover which depicted a lighthouse with some of its bricks highlighted in some odd pattern. As the Mokers left the place a litorian patron let them know that he had spotted an odd group snooping around the rooms earlier in the week.

Once outside they discovered a faen messenger being accosted by a gang of sibeccai thugs. When they stepped in to help, they were distracted enough for the book to be filched from Obur by the very messenger who they had sought to help. They were unable to follow the quickling though the crowds. Obur, luckily was able to recall practically every detail of the lighthouse drawing and he reproduced it back on his own parchment in the Scholar’s Quill.

The lighthouse drawing led the Mokers down to the docks where they tried to get a look at the lighthouse being built across the bay from the quays. The shipping that was heading out to the island went from a quay that was guarded by some watchmen with a V symbol on their chests. They then hired a boat to take them out on a “tour of the harbour”. They were rebuffed, though, when they asked to be redirected to the lighthouse. The skipper pointed out the patrol ships lurking in the area which would soon pull them up. Frustrated at this turn of events the Mokers returned to the temple area in search of Egil’s advice. He suggested that the Mokers ask in the public records office about any connections between the V and the lighthouse.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 20, 2005 11:30 PM.

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