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Records and Cultists

The Mokers went to the Office of Public Records in the Warehouse district of Khorl. Reed, a grubby, gruff human seemed to be the only attendant. Despite his mumblings and mutterings he proved quite useful to the group, especially when they sympathised with him over the attitude of some previous researchers that he had thought were sent by Verlaine, the Head of the Speaker’s Council of Khorl. His “V” symbol was often to be found on the uniforms of watchmen in the city, indicating that they were part of his elite guard. These researchers had been interested in some sewer maps and Reed showed the ones that they had viewed to the Mokers. Mera noticed a finger mark on the sewer map very close to where the bricked up house stood over the cultists’ temple. Reed also informed them that Verlaine was Speaker Milton Drac’s right hand man, and that he had an interest in many businesses around Khorl. He was also the main contractor on the construction of the lighthouse, or what he called “Milton’s Folly”, given that it had been under construction for ten years at this stage.

Thanking Reed, the Mokers left to return to the house to look for the sewer entrance that they presumed that they had missed on their earlier visits. The place was indeed now guarded, by watch members sporting the “V” of Verlaine. The Mokers climbed up onto the roof of a neighbouring building to avoid them and lowered themselves into the house. They couldn’t find anything on the ground floor, though they resisted pulling up the floorboards for fear of alerting the guards. So they moved down the stairs into the cellar and the temple and continued their search. When they came to the room with the altar, they could see that many of its furnishings had been removed, so they became suspicious. In the cave next door, they found the reason: a team of kobold kin were carrying crates through to the secret tunnel. They were accompanied by a verrik. Battle ensued, with the enemy being joined by the quickling faen who had stolen the book from Obur earlier. Though, they overcame their opponents the Mokers were left battered and without further recourse to magic.

Opening the crates, the party discovered some bricks with a golden seam running down the middle. When they prised some open they could see the symbol of the cult etched in thin gold on the inner surface. Taking a few with them as evidence and tossing a number of others into the pool beyond, the Mokers left the remainder and took any interesting items from their fallen opponents.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2006 11:06 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The Marquis Moon.

The next post in this blog is A Falling Giant.

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