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A Falling Giant

The Mokers went up through the wine cellar, arriving on the ground floor of the bricked up house. Ke-tant decided to try the rope leading to the hole in the roof. After climbing up it a few feet his hands slipped and he fell heavily in his metal armour, crashing to the floor below. The party heard the guards at the door, attempting to open the lock. Ke-tant picked himself up and prepared to face them down. Mezezar, meanwhile, started his own scramble up the rope. The door opened and Ke-tant demanded that the guards let them leave, but they demurred. Ke-tant took a swing at the nearest one. The spellcasters all realised that they did not have any useful magics and either decided to flee or engage with weapons. Obur stood shoulder to shoulder with his giant companion, but they were outmatched.

Mezezar had slipped off the roof and had hidden in an alley to don the Face of Man that had shielded Milos’ identity. He heard the whistles of the watch from various directions, but he managed to find a path through them and headed for the merchant’s district. Mera also scaled the rope when she realised that she could not assist the others. Ke-tant was labouring fiercely at the door, but it was no use, just as he felled one of the guards he himself dropped bleeding to the floor. Obur realised that the game was up as another scratch would have left him in the same situation. He and Ke-Tant were taken into custody. Mera, meanwhile, had also heard the watch being summoned. She checked her garb and made herself look as nondescript as possible. Unfortunately she came across a patrol who brought her in for questioning to the local watch post. The guard who remained standing was able to identify her as one of the group when he returned to the watch post with his backup and a handcart carrying Obur and Ke-tant. The others who had been rounded up were let go.

The three Mokers were united in a single cell and questioned about what they were doing. Their excuse that they did not think that watchmen with a “V” symbol were not legitimate did not seem to cut any ice. The guard who questioned them had to return a couple of times before the Mokers would even discuss their situation. This seemed to frustrate him. The party was given no food or other assistance while they waited. After some time they were visited by Councillor Verlaine. He swept in to the watch post and conferred with the staff there before confronting the Mokers. Although he thanked them for their previous work against the cult, he emphasised that the rule of law must still apply and that their recent actions were unacceptable. He said that he wanted them gone from the city by morning. Obur managed to explain what they had found in the cult temple and what they understood of the risks they exposed, but Verlaine lost patience with their explanations and left them to ponder their fate.

It wasn’t long before a group of his men came in and dragged out the three Mokers forcing them to walk with them in the direction of the docks. The guards obviously had other plans too, for when they came to a secluded alley along their route, they halted and pummelled first Ke-Tant and then Obur into unconsciousness, making it clear to them that Verlaine’s guards were not happy with those who presumed to attack one of their own. Since the guards were all intent on this activity, Mera managed to slip away from her captor and ran pell-mell down the street, looking for somewhere to hide. The guard captain managed to wound her with a crossbow bolt, but she managed to hide on the landing of a warehouse and her pursuers could not find her.

Mezezar, meanwhile, had found refuge in the merchant district, in a comfortable inn called the Green Grain. He ordered food in his rooms, ate quietly and shoved a chair against the door as he took what rest he could while worrying over his companions.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2006 11:49 PM.

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